Welcome to my website! I hope you enjoy a “scroll stroll” through the art you can find here.


It’s doubtless always better to see art “in the flesh”, but opportunities to show the actual physical works can be hard to come by. Which is why I’ve set up this website as a remote gallery.


Prints: At the moment the only pieces illustrated on the site are prints. I may add work in other mediums in due course. For now, though, print-making is my main passion and preoccupation.


The tabs: Click on any tab to see the works collected under that title. Manually click through slideshow galleries. Scroll down for the print details and a thumbnail menu for the tab.


About me: I’m English, 55 years old and married with two (grown-up) sons. I grew up in the North-West (Manchester, Crewe) but have lived in South-East London since 1988.


Training: print-making courses at various institutions (including Central St Martin’s and London College of Printing) and with a number of established print-makers. I have been making prints since 1992.

Craig Hilton

Craig Hilton

Craig Hilton